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Public Commentary: (5) This portion of the meeting is for members of the public to address the senate. No actions will be taken. Each individual is limited to one minute. Ken Wagman, GCFA President, discussed the importance of having an Academic Senate representative at all the Summer Board meetings. He stated that during the June meeting, the Board welcomed Dr. Rose unanimously as our new President. V.P.s were given raises where needed to make their salaries even to the position. At the July meeting, he stated that the Board is trying to get a 7 million loan/bond with the hope that the community would approve the bond. We would have to pay it back by 2018. Gavilan would pay $200,000 and the Coyote rent would be $240,000 for 20 years. During the August meeting, they presented the student athlete of the year. He encouraged departments to vote for the student of the year and the Board will present it. Reports: (15) Standing Reports: ASGC D. DiDenti reported that the ASGC currently has 5 members, and he hopes to get 2 more. He stated that the Welcome Day went pretty well. ASGC will be having a Club Day/El Grito on Thursday, September 15 during college hour (12:50-1:50pm). The ASGC members will be attending a conference on September 23. College President Dr. Rose reported that cancelling the de-reg was a good idea. Our researcher has been sending out a daily enrollment reports and our FTE has gone up to 78 so far. She stated that whatever the faculty members are doing, its working. Low enrollment classes were not cancelled and allowed to run as well. The department chairs have started the spring schedule planning, and the first draft is due by September 7. For the winter and spring intercession our target is 30 FTE. The Coyote site is happening; it is still a construction site and we do not have the final sign offs. During the Spring 2017 semester, we need to schedule general education classes and student services at the Coyote site. We havent done a lot of advertising and we would like to start small with your help. CurricUNET is live, and it will help with reporting and new curriculum development. Dr. Rose said she is excited about the recruitment for the VP of Academic Affairs. She had asked the Board if she could modify the job description and change the title. The job will oversee Instruction, Basic Skills, Transfer, CTE, Non-credit, Adult Ed. It is posted in the chronicle, HR is sending it out, please help in sending it out, we are looking for Senate for leadership on the recruitment committee and the hiring committee. She is currently writing 2 accreditation reports for substantive change proposals on Coyote Valley (moving JPA from Foothill) and Distance Education. The next meeting is in February. Also we need a subchange report to accreditation group for the new Aviation program move to the San Martin airport. The ribbon cutting is next Tuesday. She was happy about being able to purchase a plane for the students to work on. Dr. Rose is looking toward the Academic Senate to take a role in how to measure and assess our basic competencies (ILO). Vice President of Instruction Vice President of Student Services Kathleen Moberg reported on the purchase of a survey tool (Qualtics) from the University of Maryland that works with Banner. Peter Wruck, Institutional Researcher, will be using it. Due to the program evaluation, she has hired 2 retention specialists to follow up with students. Dina Hampton is working on contacting the number of students who are 90% done with their courses to increase our number of graduates. The college has hired Dr.Randall Ramirez (Psychologist) to provide mental health counseling on Wednesdays. If you have a referral, send Dr. Moberg an email first, and she will notify Dr. Randall and the student. The college is hosting a workshop with John Hutts on September 30 to discuss the common assessment and multiple measures. The new assessment will become effective in Spring 2008, and she needs the faculty involved in mapping the assessment and cutoff scores. She would like the faculty to attend especially from the Math, English and ESL disciplines. The college is in the process of developing a behavior intervention plan, and they have purchased Maxient software, and they still need training. Jessica asked what the process for referral would be for a faculty member? Leslie explained that they should refer the student to a counselor first, using phrases such as Im concerned about you. She recommended the Kognito program which is great for helping both students and staff. Kathleen said that the counselors will create a 1 page resource for faculty referrals. Senators (please include any input regarding ongoing AS discussions) S. Lawrence, LIB/IT Dept., spoke about online course usage. She distributed an iLearn usage chart with 45,000 hits per day. There are currently 97 online courses. She is receiving the daily enrollment report, and she discussed the Argos report stating the number of students denied from enrollment in certain courses. She is willing to share. A. Rosette reported that courses with weight lists are growth indicators. Leslie commented about the students who do not even attempt to enroll if the class is closed. We need to see which classes are in demand, especially general education courses. These reports may assist us in our scheduling. Do the Senate members want to also receive the Daily Enrollment reports? There may be value in getting retrained on accessing their courses. How active do we want to be? Sabrina mentioned availability of a Course Demand report through the Colleges Argos system which all can have access to. D. Achterman, LIB/IT Dept., reported that the Library was empty on the 1st day of school, but then it picked up the next day. They had a successful workshop on organizing time and study skills for the athletes in the Learning Commons. Senate President Arturo is working with the new Professional Learning liaison, Susan Turner and the previous liaison, Debbie Klein. Leah Halper will be the new mentoring liaison, and she will be working with Robb Overson to continue and expand on his work. Arturo stated that the fine arts department will be voting on Friday for the new Senate representative. There is also an at large vacancy due to Russell Lees retirement. Since it was initially an ESL department seat, Arturo has asked the ESL department to send a replacement. They asked him if a non-credit faculty member could serve on the Senate. Arturo is making a personal plea to all our departments for committee vacancies. There are two vacancies on the IEC committee. The equivalency committee has two vacancies, one from the student services and one from CTE. There is one vacancy on the strategic planning committee. We have a lot of tenure review committees (five slots) and we need full-time tenured faculty to serve. Academic Senate Standing Committees Information: Senate Retreat and Equity Workshop (various senators) (5) Arturo reported that we had five senators attend the Senate retreat. Leslie stated that she liked the workshop a lot, and the speaker did a great job in bringing the topic in a nonthreatening way. She would like to bring her in to help with students. Arturo said it was a great workshop and a good collaboration with the equity committee. He stated that the senators met before the workshop and we discussed what we think equity is, our challenges, and what we have on best practices. He will meet with the equity committee to share our discussion. Jessica stated that there are pools of money as long as you show success right away. She liked the building action teams and the non toxic communications. She is planning to get the PowerPoint from Eddie to share. Doug stated that we are all practitioners of equity, it is different than believing, appreciate, and practice it. He is glad that she is close by and well-known. We should develop the partnership with DeAnza. Arturo said that we should take the charge of bringing equity front and center. Integrated Planning ad hocformer Grants Council (K. Moberg/F. Lozano) (10) Kathleen and Fran are chairing an ad hoc group on integrated planning (formerly the Grants Council). Dr. Roses vision is to bring together all funding streams and initiatives. The goal is to map where everyone is in their own initiative and analyze if this is working. e.g. tutoring are we duplicating the services? are we serving students in the most effective way? e.g. institutional research. If someone wants to apply for a grant, they need to come to this committee first. Fran stated that our current grants are different businesses on their own and are resulting in silos. They are not talking with each other, and they lose oversight. Currently the state wants us to consolidate the basic skills, equity and SSSP initiatives. Arturo is looking forward to being a part of it. If anyone is interested, talk with Arturo. Curriculum Update (Leslie Tenney) (5) Leslie is the new curriculum committee chair and she reported that CurricUNET is live. The curriculum committee met last week for the initial training. The process is fairly straight forward. Many questions arose on how we function as a committee, how we make decisions, and approvals, etc. The curriculum committees first meeting is Sept. 14, so we have a better sense of the issues. There will be a new edition of the PICAH manual from the Chancellors Office, so look for it. The Department Chairs will work with their own department members on how to use CurricUNET. If necessary, Bonnie has graciously offered to work with people using the software. Ken stated that his department will be submitting a new online form. Educational Master Plan (Dr. Rose) (10) Dr. Rose stated the many reasons why it is time for Gavilan to do a comprehensive educational master plan: innovation, program development, SSSP, Equity, Basic Skills, CTE, Coyote Valley, San Martin Airport, Title V, growth and development, AA degree cannot offer in 2 years, classes need to be offered, acceleration increase or decrease, etc. She would like a consultant firm (CM Provant) to complete the plan for $143,000 (through grant funding). She is presenting to the board, and with their approval, the consultants will be here at the end of October. She urged us to look at some of the firms completed plans from Southwestern, San Jose City and Santa Barbara city colleges. We need a roadmap-need our culture to be cohesive and collectively move forward. We have 18 ADTs and statistically that is small. Arturo is supporting this effort. The current EMP is dated and he is impressed with the firm. They will do the research, analysis, surveys and resources. D. Achterman recommends looking at Southwestern as he was a part of a site visit there and was quite impressed by the Ed Plan there. Discussion: Academic Senate Goals (30) Review of what was accomplished last Spring Determine what initiatives/goals are in process Agree on the senates fall goals Arturo asked the senators about the list from last spring and where we are now and where do we want to go. We left off discussing enrollment management and we havent closed the loop on grants. The non-credit task force is moving forward, see Debbies email. Currently he has 7 items on the list to prioritize. Enrollment management Full time hiring priorities look at the 2 year process, evaluate, 50% law, categorical hires, full time obligation numbers Division realignment Integrated planning EDD Strengthening collaboration between the Senate and Department chairs. Professional Learning add as agenda item Blanca asked about reporting for mentoring and does it need to involve the Senate. Leah will be giving an update at future meetings. VI Action: The senate will create ad hoc groupsas identified during discussionto work on senate goals and report back to the senate as agreed to. (10) Closing Items: Open Forum: (time permitting) Items for next agenda TBD Senate ad hoc updates Civic Engagement presentation/invitation Faculty participation and leadership scaffolding Next meeting: September 20th, 2016 Adjournment by consensus at 4:10pm MSC (S. 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